Business Meeting Minutes 01-16-16
Official business was conducted with a quorum present at Denny’s Restaurant.
Present at the meeting were Bruce Nykamp, Holland Dredge, Larry Whitney, Jakob Miller, Steve Earl, and two new members Stanley Lemas and Devan Welker.
Past and new members voted to reinstate the SRV RPC charter that lapsed last year. Dues were set at $50 per year per member.
The club voted that it is OK to have multiple flyers fly from the same loft.
No decision was made on club bands for 2016. Each individual will be responsible for obtaining their own bands.
Member contact information will be placed on the club website along with club financial information.
Elections were held. The new officers for 2016 are:
President – Bruce Nykamp
Race Secretary – Holland Dredge
Secretary Treasure – Steve Earl